Can Skateboarding Cause Muscle imbalance?

There are many folks who have been skateboarding for years. It’s just a part of their hobby that they can’t live without. However, can skateboarding cause muscle imbalance? This question has become quite common among them.

Quick Answer! Yes, skateboarding can cause muscle imbalance if you put more pressure on your single feet than on your other feet. Also, if you keep doing it for a very long time, it can definitely cause muscle imbalance in your legs.

It is important that you stay until the end in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Getting to the point, let’s not be late.

What’s a Muscle Imbalance?/ A Quick Overview

Muscle imbalance is a condition that occurs in your body when you repeatedly apply pressure to a single body part. For example, suppose you start training one of your hands for years while leaving the other hand alone.

So, it’ll result in muscle imbalance. This means one hand will look stronger and different, while the other will look completely different and weaker. There will be a lot of issues for you if you do this. You won’t be able to balance well between the two.

does Skateboarding cause muscle imbalance

Yes, skateboarding can cause muscle imbalance if you keep skating with a single foot. However, if you use both of your feet equally, there are no chances that you’ll have muscle imbalance issues.

What Happens When You Have Muscle Imbalance From Skateboarding?

Let’s take a look at how a 15-year-old skateboarder named John feels now that he has muscle imbalance.

So, John has always been one of the most avid skateboarders. Skateboarding was his life, even if he couldn’t live without food. So, in enthusiasm, he kept skating for around 15 years with only a single leg. He had no idea that muscle imbalance could affect him.

His skateboarding continued until one day, John felt something was wrong with his left leg. He felt the left leg was stiffer and weaker than the right one. It astounded him. He could also feel pain in his knee and left leg while walking. 

Since the situation was a little odd for John, he decided to go get X-rays of his leg to know what was wrong with it. Because, till that time, he didn’t know that he had a muscle imbalance.

He then went to the doctor, got an X-ray of his leg, and guess what? Doctors said that there is levoscoliosis in his leg. 

Then he wondered how could he get that issue with his leg. Then he realized that it was because he was using only one right leg to skateboard for years rather than both equally, which resulted in his muscle imbalance.

So, exactly what John felt, you feel when you have a muscle imbalance.

When You Have Muscle Imbalances, What Should You Do?

You should consult your doctor as soon as possible. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the issue. Check yourself out well, and then seek proper treatment.

What If There Is A Little Bit Of Imbalance In Your Legs?

Still, I’d recommend you go to the doctor. However, you treat yourself well by equally using your legs to skateboard. This will make the balance of both of your legs better. Also, try learning tricks in both the regular skating stance and the switch stance.

As long as you push in both directions, pushing is actually beneficial for running. However, doctors would be able to tell you the solution in a better way than I can. That’s my personal opinion, though.

Also Read: Does Skateboarding Burn Calories?

Can Skateboard Cause You Sore?

Any workout that places the muscles under an excessive or unusual amount of strain can cause soreness. Exercise causes tiny tears in muscle tissue as a result of tiny tears.

In the same way as other forms of exercise, skateboarding can result in this kind of pain. As long as there is a dull ache or pain, it is normal and good to be painful. It is important to take any sudden pains seriously, and if they persist, you should consult a doctor.

This is actually a natural occurrence. When you skate more frequently, your body will adapt and you won’t experience as much soreness. In the event that you are still sore after skating, your body has not really adapted to the physical demands of skateboarding.

Despite skateboarding frequently, a strenuous or prolonged session can still leave you sore. You don’t have to think about it too much. 

Being sore is wonderful. In other words, it signifies that you have exercised and that your muscles are expanding and recovering. These muscles should be stretched out to encourage blood flow.

Skateboarding Soreness: Is it Normal?

It is normal to feel sore after skateboarding or exercising in any other way. Pain or discomfort should occur when you are active, and the discomfort should worsen as you do. 

Symptoms of severe pain should be treated by a doctor, because they may indicate a serious injury. Newbies and those who haven’t skated in a while are more likely to experience soreness after skating.

What causes my legs to be sore after skateboarding?

Skateboarding involves the use of several major muscle groups. Legs are one of these muscle groups. The glutes are engaged when you crouch and jump. Skateboards work your hamstrings and calves. Following a skateboarding session, leg aches are common.

Should You Do Skateboarding When you’re sore?

Even if you have sore muscles, skateboarding is possible if you warm them up first. Take it easy at first and stretch for at least 5 to 10 minutes before skating. When you’re already sore, you should avoid skating too hard since your muscles may not be able to recover.

You now know what skateboarding soreness feels like. We have answered some of your most common questions here.


Final Words!

Can skateboarding cause muscle imbalance? Yes, it can cause muscle imbalance if you keep skateboarding with your single feet. So, avoid doing that and try to use both feet equally. 

This way, you can prevent muscular imbalance. Also, I’ve told you about the soreness after skateboarding.

So, I guess the subject has been thoroughly covered. Still, if you have any questions related to the topic, you can let me know in the comment section below. I’d love to help you out.

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